People smile, behave nicely to each other... outside lovely Christmas landscape with snow....this is the picture how Christmas should be...?
I went to Tesco yesterday...
If I pass the fact that snow has not anymore white color in Prague and shops from my street where I live could even create competition who has more kitschy shopwindow.
In my 40 minutes trip I met a few people and for sure they were not addicted by Christmas mood at all. During the paying in beauty department I was explained in detail by shop assistant that this week people stole goods for 2000 euros (an answer for the fact why I could not buy the lipstick in Parisian red for xmas party). I could not anymore buy fresh potatoes, because of czech traditional Christmas potato salad, there are no potatoes in Czech republic anymore. But I could buy lovely Christmas cake, which was available only in one kilo family If I want to finish this bloody piece of cake until spring I have start with Christmas overeating. (Trendy activity of 60% of Czech population according the radio which I was listening). Full of these impressions I created presents for my colleagues. Black notebooks for sketching with wishing cards and lovely pictures.

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