I just submitted my designs of postage stamps for Royal Mail UK.
The brief was - celebrate the idea of ‘firsts’ and create stamps that inspire the nation whilst instilling national pride.
Since the beginning I saw a good challenge in bringing a new and fresh concept, trying to do not only propose a collection of historical cliché. My work begun with a documentary research of English inventions. What was originally created in England? How English inventions did manage to influence people and future generations´ lifestyle? I rapidly realized that many inventions have been already celebrated by the Royal mail postage stamps. The celebrated inventions were from many different areas such as astronomy, chemistry, engineering or medicine. At this time, I have collected a lot of information and I have decided to focus on important inventions but not the most famous ones that come instantaneously to our mind such as telephones’ invention by Graham Bell or Thomas Edison’s light bulb invention. I would like to avoid a déjà vu impression and also that people smile when they look at the stamps. I have chosen 5 inventions, which I found representative enough

PENNY BLACK – the world's first adhesive postage stamp used in a public postal system. The profile bust of Queen Victoria was pictured on the black background.
SILICON - invented by professor Frederic Kippling, English chemist.
SANDWICH - was invented by Lord John Montague Sandwich (1718-1792). He created sandwich food because it allowed him to continue playing cards while eating, without getting his cards greasy.
WELLINGTONS – were invented by Arthur Wellesley (19th century) and became a fashion rage! Wellies became popular with farmers who could keep their feet dry and mud-free while working on farms.
FLUSH TOILET/WATER CLOSET – current look was invented by Sir John Harrington in 1596. Thanks to this guy you now take comfort that your needs are taken care of.
After the inventions selection I would like to connect them in one story/picture, which you can currently see on my designs. All stamps contain information -1st and black head of the Queen. I have also developed collector’s edition with explanation of all inventions with dates and timeline. There is also a simulation which explains and shows stamps process, with an additional picture. It is possible for people to upload it.
Some people could be offended regarding my designs because its place the queen in an unusual posture. To prevent it, post stamps are sent separately one from an other, so penny black head will hardly be sent with toilet on the same letter. I have also tried to represent visually the English sense of humor.
here some of the ideas which were developed further or killed...